It comes late, but it comes!

We really got some summer-like days recently, reaching day-temperatures just above 20 degrees. So we can say, that now finally summer has arrived. We still get more rain than normal in this time of the year, but in the end, this is not so bad for nature, especially for the mushrooms. Unfortunately during dry and warm days, one can meet now also the not so much appreciated habitants of the forests, the local species of snakes. 

The Kalea-Pups got their microchip and first vaccinations. Now we start also the daily short, free walks around the yard with them.

Our "Old-Kennel-litter" was born and it looks like this funny family feels just great in their home in the middle of the kennels. For us it is interesting to have them so close and we are curious to see them growing up.

The male-part of our team is on holiday in Sweden and Germany, while the female-part got a new member with Anna. She has recently finished her school, is 19 years old and looking for something different than school-live. We are convinced, she will find it here during the next 3 months and hope she will have a good time!